Judgement Credit Card Debt/Bank Problems

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My wife had a credit card, only her name, but we share a bank account.

1. A judgement was issued for the amount of $7900. Also a paycheck garnishment was set up through her work.

2. One day the attorney sent the judgement to the bank and they withheld 15000 from the back. (I didnt have that in there so we started getting fees from the bank for bounced checks etc.

3. My wife contacted the attorney and they again signed another paycheck garnishment.

4. THe attorney said they faxed the paperwork to the bank over a week ago and when I call the bank they give me the run around, they use an outside attorney to handle their stuff and they wont let me talk to them.


1. How can the bank legally allow the attorney to with hold $15,000 when the legal judgement was only for $7900.

2. Since the judgement is not in my name but my wifes only, can they attach this to our shared account?

3. What can I do to fix this, its been two weeks and my bank account is still messed up.

4. Are their any legal actions I can take against the attorney and the bank.

We understand we have to the pay the bill and never disputed anything, now instead by doing this little trick, it put me 2k in the hole, due to charges from the bank. Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
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