judgement - proof

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New Member
A judgement has been entered against me by the National Arbitration Forum. I realize that this is a sham operation which basically rubber-stamps awards on behalf of the financial services industry. However, until the law is changed, their judgements will hold up in court. I live in Louisiana. My question is: If I eliminate all my assets (i.e. put my home, bank account, and cars in my wife's name, and even assign my 1099 commissions to my wife), does this make me judgement- proof in the eyes of the court? If not, what else can I do to protect my assets? Is my IRA untouchable? Finally, even if I circumvent this judgment, how long does it stay on my credit report?
In California the creditor can bring an action for fraudulent conveyance, and move to put all the assets back into your name so the can be levied upon.
The NAF has been successfully challenged in some areas. I suggest that you look up the law in your state and see if there are any precedents. The cases have turned on whether you actually agreed to arbitrate.
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