New Member
I was taken to court by my landlord and judgement was set and I am to pay x amount of money before a certain date. What are my options if I am not able to make that payment until 4 days after that date?
I also agreed to vacate the property early, and I have been left to scramble for a new place to live. I have found a place, but it requires first, last and security deposit. I REALLY want the place and would need to sign the lease today and or tomorrow.
If I do this, I will not be paid until after the due date of my judgement, thus why the payment would be recieved by my landlords attorney, 4 days late.
I ask for your professional advice/suggestions.
Thank you.
I also agreed to vacate the property early, and I have been left to scramble for a new place to live. I have found a place, but it requires first, last and security deposit. I REALLY want the place and would need to sign the lease today and or tomorrow.
If I do this, I will not be paid until after the due date of my judgement, thus why the payment would be recieved by my landlords attorney, 4 days late.
I ask for your professional advice/suggestions.
Thank you.