judgment collection

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New Member
When it comes to judgment collection for a money award in a dissolution, and the "creditor" moves, is it their responsibility to inform the "debtor" of a new mailing address to send payments, or is it the responsibility of the "debtor" to get that information?

Our local courthouse couldn't give us much information, since my husband and his ex-wife had no children together, and his ex (the "creditor") moved out of the country two months ago. We found out from a friend--the ex has yet to contact us. The only thing we've heard from her side is yet another string of insults and slander from her mother. And she hasn't changed her information with the courts since the divorce was finalized.

As much as we hate her, we still want to get this judgment taken care of, but it's hard to do when she keeps moving and not giving us any updated information. So we would really like to know the rights and responsibilities on each side, and if it changes any when one side leaves the country.
Take your money and place it with the registry of the court. That way you can prove you paid the judgment and she can come get it or pay to have it mailed to her.
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