I owe a credit card compoany for two cards 0ne almost $4,000.00 and one$5,00.00. I also owe other creditors. I have offered this on $40.00 a month until I can go through vocational rehab and get work as I am permantly physically disabled. My income is Social Security and SSI. I live on $694.00/month. My options are go through chaprter 13 bankruptcy or let them do the and ask for a slow. I have been given conflicting advice from two attorneys. My single wide mobile home is on 1 acre of land. On 4/2008 I did a Quit Claim Deed with Life Estate to my of age son. I was told the value which according to tax records is $19,000.00. I could not get that today. This is held against me in bankrupcy court exempt $5,000.00. So my payments on the $15,000.00 iI owe will be about $120.00/month.
If it goes to jugement one lawyer says they can only attach on my interest and when I die the lien will go away. The other lawyer says it stays against the property if he ever goes to sell after I die. Which way is it? Please help me!
If it goes to jugement one lawyer says they can only attach on my interest and when I die the lien will go away. The other lawyer says it stays against the property if he ever goes to sell after I die. Which way is it? Please help me!