Jurisdiction Pull-Down Menu


Well-Known Member
Just curious...

Elsewhere on this site is a sticky thread that offers non-U.S. users an explanation about why they might find it unproductive post here, and posts that relate to non-U.S. jurisdictions are often quickly closed to further response.

So WHY does the pull-down menu offer posters the option of selecting any of the Canadian provinces and territories, the EU, and numerous other non-U.S. jurisdictions? That these choices exist imply that someone selecting them will get some information. Is it that difficult to alter this bit of infrastructure?
Two things about that. The question has been raised many times.

1 - It's a software default that, apparently, cannot be changed.

2 - Some us will respond to extra-national questions by referring posters to other sources or looking up information from other areas.

I'm here to help people no matter where they are from. I have provided links to UK legal forums and have no problem looking up Canadian resources. If somebody wants to know about divorce in the Philippines or how to evict somebody in North Korea, I'll find them a resource. Etc, etc, etc.
It's a software default that, apparently, cannot be changed.

Seems like a strange default to list all U.S. states (and territories, I assume) and all Canadian provinces/territories, a couple other countries, and then the EU and a couple continents (as though "Africa" is a jurisdiction).

Some us will respond to extra-national questions by referring posters to other sources or looking up information from other areas.

I'm here to help people no matter where they are from. I have provided links to UK legal forums and have no problem looking up Canadian resources. If somebody wants to know about divorce in the Philippines or how to evict somebody in North Korea, I'll find them a resource. Etc, etc, etc.

Which makes it seem very random when some of these threads get locked - sometimes almost immediately (as was the case with one I saw this morning, which was what caused me to post this query).

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