just moved and Im having problems

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New Member
Thanks for the help in advanced.I live in south florida.I just moved because I had to downsize.I and my other half found a place that seemed affordable.Its a nice place,with a few quirks.

I havent been in this place for a month yet.the real estate agent I dealt with is not the the landlord nor the person I suddenly have to deal with.The person I deal with now seems to be either the real estates agents boss or business partner.

This new person Im dealing with is quite rude and likes to yell and threaten me and my other half.there are 3 problems with the place-1-a toliet doesnt work right-easily fixed but we arnet sure if we should do the fixing and give her the bill.2-the dishwasher doesnt work right,need to have someone to come in and fix it-Im not sure what to do there.3-theres an outside patio thats coved with cheap plastic that just broke today during a rainstorm.
I had mentioned this concern before I moved in,Im taking pictures tommorrow.
the biggest concern and shock came today in the mail-I got two pieces of paperwork addresssed to johm doe.One document is 7 pages long and has a court date on it.the court date is for april 30 2010,I moved in may 2 2010.
The second set of paperwork looks like the starting of foreclousre,or already in the process of foreclouse.I found out that the owner is in virigina,supposdly.

I called the real estate agent I now have to deal with,she started to freak out,and said she doesnt know what to do and that she was going to come by and pick up the paperwork.she didnt come by.I was having a hard time understanding her she was that freaked out.she seems like a legit real estate agent.

What do I do?Do I put the next months rent to the court house,since either the landlord or the real estate agent isnt paying the mortgage?Im stressed because I dont need someone showing up and changing the locks or throwing our stuff on the curb.I do know the the loan is either freddie mac or fannie mae,Im not sure which,If I do move I need the deposit back.thanks in advance for the help.
Thanks for the help in advanced.I live in south florida.I just moved because I had to downsize.I and my other half found a place that seemed affordable.Its a nice place,with a few quirks.

I havent been in this place for a month yet.the real estate agent I dealt with is not the the landlord nor the person I suddenly have to deal with.The person I deal with now seems to be either the real estates agents boss or business partner.

This new person Im dealing with is quite rude and likes to yell and threaten me and my other half.there are 3 problems with the place-1-a toliet doesnt work right-easily fixed but we arnet sure if we should do the fixing and give her the bill.2-the dishwasher doesnt work right,need to have someone to come in and fix it-Im not sure what to do there.3-theres an outside patio thats coved with cheap plastic that just broke today during a rainstorm.
I had mentioned this concern before I moved in,Im taking pictures tommorrow.
the biggest concern and shock came today in the mail-I got two pieces of paperwork addresssed to johm doe.One document is 7 pages long and has a court date on it.the court date is for april 30 2010,I moved in may 2 2010.
The second set of paperwork looks like the starting of foreclousre,or already in the process of foreclouse.I found out that the owner is in virigina,supposdly.

I called the real estate agent I now have to deal with,she started to freak out,and said she doesnt know what to do and that she was going to come by and pick up the paperwork.she didnt come by.I was having a hard time understanding her she was that freaked out.she seems like a legit real estate agent.

What do I do?Do I put the next months rent to the court house,since either the landlord or the real estate agent isnt paying the mortgage?Im stressed because I dont need someone showing up and changing the locks or throwing our stuff on the curb.I do know the the loan is either freddie mac or fannie mae,Im not sure which,If I do move I need the deposit back.thanks in advance for the help.

Relax, no matter what happens to the owner's property, YOUR lease will protect you!

No one can change the locks, without a court order.

No one can kick you out, you have to be evicted.

As long as you pay your rent, you are safe.

You pay the real estate agent, and get receipts and keep them.

The owner may not be foreclosed, anyway.

Never you mind, none of this will affect your leasehold.

When the property is foreclosed (whenever that might happen), you'll be notified.

That is when you start paying the new owner.

The new owner buys the home and your lease.

Nothing changes even when that happens, except you pay an new landlord.

The new owner might want you to leave.

If he/she wants that, you should be offered a buyout.

You can negotiate for a higher amount, or just refuse and wait until your lease expires.

So, relax, you have NOTHING to worry about.

For you, its business as usual!

Oh yeah, about the repairs.

Unles sthe repairs are a health hazard, you probably aren't going to get them fixed soon.

You just learned why.

I would report the problems, and document the responses.

Send certified letters (return receipt requested) detailing the problems and requesting them issues to be repaired.

Keep accurate and complete records of everything, along with pictures and videos.

These might come in handy.

Also, whatever you say to someone, follow it up with a letter as I described above.

Just make sure everything agreed to is in writing.

You might ask for permission to fix some things, yourselves.

Don't expect to be reimbursed, but at least you won't have to live like a beggar.

But, before you do anything, get it in writing!

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I talked to the real estate agent a little while ago.she seems cluless and has no idea how to deal with the situtation.she didnt seem to understand about how she or the owner was suppose to be in court on april 30 of 2010.again I live in south florida.

the real estate agent seemed to think it was my fault that I was giving her the paperwork.Im taking pictures today of the broken stuff.Im also putting the recipts and lease in a folder so I dont lose them.should I give the rent to the court house to hold?since she seems to be getting aggressive with me.I also had to explain to her that the owner missed a court date.the owner is in latin america right now and her sister is in virigina.thanks for the help and I figured I would keep everyone updated.
sohma2501 said:
I talked to the real estate agent a little while ago.she seems cluless and has no idea how to deal with the situtation.she didnt seem to understand about how she or the owner was suppose to be in court on april 30 of 2010.again I live in south florida.

the real estate agent seemed to think it was my fault that I was giving her the paperwork.Im taking pictures today of the broken stuff.Im also putting the recipts and lease in a folder so I dont lose them.should I give the rent to the court house to hold?since she seems to be getting aggressive with me.I also had to explain to her that the owner missed a court date.the owner is in latin america right now and her sister is in virigina.thanks for the help and I figured I would keep everyone updated.

The court won't take your payments.
You continue to pay as per YOUR lease.

If the real estate management company refuses to take your payments (I don't know why they would), open an escrow account and deposit the payments into the account.

That is your last resort.

It shouldn't happen.

Just pay the people you've been paying.

Keep all receipts.

This has nothing to do with you.

So, going forward, ignore it.

If any more documents come for the owner, send them back to the person who sent them.

Mark the envelope, "addressee has moved, whereabouts unknown - return to sender"!!!
update-I found out that the roof has serioue issues and is starting to leak and the front patio is a risk because the roof has a leak and when it rains it floods and becomes very slippery.
about 3 weeks ago I got paperwork from the hoa saying they wanted thier 3,200 and some odd dollars or they would evict me.I call them and tell them I rent the place and I mention the problems.they thank me but never call me back or now take my calls.the said owner of the place has four address,2 in florida,one in virigina and one somewhere in latin america.everyone thinks that I know where shes at I dont.the only one who seems to know is the real estate agent and she wont say where.
yesterday I got paperwork saying the place has been foreclosed on and is being auctioned on oct 14 2010.I just got the paperwork and its past dated for may,about mid may.I moved in at the end of may.
I have a lease,I now feel like Imin a rush to move and need to save my money for a new place.
the real estate agaent lied when she said she went to court and talked to these people.there was a court date on july 2 2010 i believe.
I have made copies of all paperwork.
I feel like Im getting the short end of the stick.what can I do?
the court paperwork is a little slow because of the back up I understand this but I would have never rented the place If I had known about this.
are there crimial charges I can file on the real estate agent.
everyone I have talked to has said conflicting things and that they are sorry but they cant help/talk to me because im not the owner but the paperwork says john doe or current tenant therefore it makes it my bussiness.
again I feel like I have gotten the short end of the stick are there laws to protect people from this kind of thing or do I purse in small cliams court.
Relax, no matter what happens to the owner's property, YOUR lease will protect you!

No one can change the locks, without a court order.

No one can kick you out, you have to be evicted.

As long as you pay your rent, you are safe.

You pay the real estate agent, and get receipts and keep them.

The owner may not be foreclosed, anyway.

Never you mind, none of this will affect your leasehold.

When the property is foreclosed (whenever that might happen), you'll be notified.

That is when you start paying the new owner.

The new owner buys the home and your lease.

Nothing changes even when that happens, except you pay an new landlord.

The new owner might want you to leave.

If he/she wants that, you should be offered a buyout.

You can negotiate for a higher amount, or just refuse and wait until your lease expires.

So, relax, you have NOTHING to worry about.

For you, its business as usual!

Oh yeah, about the repairs.

Unles sthe repairs are a health hazard, you probably aren't going to get them fixed soon.

You just learned why.

I would report the problems, and document the responses.

Send certified letters (return receipt requested) detailing the problems and requesting them issues to be repaired.

Keep accurate and complete records of everything, along with pictures and videos.

These might come in handy.

Also, whatever you say to someone, follow it up with a letter as I described above.

Just make sure everything agreed to is in writing.

You might ask for permission to fix some things, yourselves.

Don't expect to be reimbursed, but at least you won't have to live like a beggar.

But, before you do anything, get it in writing!

Same advice applies still. You are protected by your lease, thus don't do anything to break the lease on your end, and you are safe, even after the auction as explained in the earlier advice.

What criminal act do you think happened here? How do you know if the agent knew about any of this until the same time you did, or how would you prove it. Nonetheless, no law was broken here.

What exactly would you sue for? You have no damages to claim if you did bring a suit.

I am not being rude, just trying to be logical and get you to see it from another perspective. Again, follow the advice given by Army Judge.
the apt has been foreclosed on and the real estate agent did know because she told me straight out.the real estate agent told me she didnt expect the place to be foreclosed on so soon.
I have a problem with this because it should have been disclosed.granted if it was disclosed I wouldnt have rented it.
maybe its a common deceny/moral issue here.
the real estate agent also lied about being up to date on hoa fees and going to court,which she told me she did and that everyone was ok with me being there.
its honesty
the owner is nowhere in the us.shes not paying her bills.she took and signed the paperwork for the place.
is it suppose to be my problem-no,but im stuck dealing with it.people ask me if I know where shes at and all I can do is give them the addresses.
I dont need the stress or fustrastion this has caused-Im already dealing with a nuff stuff.
I see kinda see everyone elses point,and thank you for your replies lots to think about,I guess you have to be in my shoes and be dealing with it.
You have nothing to worry about.
You possess a valid lease.
The real estate agent is acting for the owner.
If anyone inquires, refer them to the real estate agent.
It doesn't matter if the property owner is foreclosed.
Your lease can't be foreclosed.
You are safe.
If you're smart, you sit tight.
When (IF) someone buys the property (or the bank forecloses), someone will approach you.
That someone will offer you a lease buyout.
They will offer you money, in effect, to buy you out of your lease!
They'll offer you money to relocate.

For example, say your lease payment is $500/month and you have 6 months left on the lease.

That someone might say, they'll give you $1,500 plus $1,000 to help with relocating. You are also entitled to your deposit, say that was $1,000.

If you agree and move by they date they want you out (usually 30 days later), you walk away with $3,500, using my example.

If they don't, you just start paying the bank or the new owner when notified.

If I were you, I'd just sit tight and refer all enquiries to the real estate agent!

You're safe as a felon locked away on death row!
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