Just wondering what to do

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I have a couple of problems at work and would like some advice.

I have been working at a University for a little under one year. When I first got there they were going through some changes which was fine with. I started on in mid July of last year. There was a intrim president in place and I was hired on by his staff. It was fine until the new president came in place. She started on May 1st of this year, she wrote in an email before she meet any of the past president staff ( not including me) that she wanted them gone by May 1st when she started. She did this because they spoke out against the changes that were happening. Not about her, but the changes that were accuring. They were talking about the way the board has treated the past president, and in a very bad manner. Before she started she changed the location of the presidents office which I was in. I was left in there for about 3 and a half weeks with no assignments to do. But, during that time she hired staff to complete her work that she needed done. The person was there a totally of three weeks before she even called me over to the new office. I tried to go over an talk to her on the 3rd of May, (which she did not even acknowledge me until I spoke with her) and asked her if I could come over to the new office and help with the workload. She told me know and that she did not need my help. This was shocking to me because I was a permenate employee and the staff that she had had were all temporairy workers. I went to go talk to Human Resources about this, and asked them since she did not have any work for me could they place me some where else. They told me that there were no position open and that I would be put on a lay-off list. I felt that this is wrong, because alot of there position that they have are done by temps. Also, she does not speak to me unless I say good morning to her (this is still going on to this day), she speaks to the temp at long lengths at a time. Then this past Wenseday May 31st, I was called in to the HR department and spoke to the HR manager. She told me that people were having problems with the way I dress and the way that I answered the phone. I was trained in that manner and this is in the manual in the office that I worked in. And then she told me if I wanted to keep my current position that I would have to fill out a application and apply for it. How is this possible if I have the job already. is this legal. How can they tell me that I have to reapply for a position so that she can interview me. And if it is legal does the HR department have to find me some where else to go.

Also, I just had my evaulation do in April of this year, and I had very high marks. There were no problems in my mannerism, dressing or any other areas of employment. I feel that I am being singled out because I work in the past president's office and his staff spoke out. The current president told the girl before me who was a temp. that she fit the look, that she wanted in here office. We are both african americans. But, the difference is that I am a very dark skinned black and she is light. I feel that this is not right.

I am currently in school so that I may finish my degree, I feel that I am being treated unjust is there some course of stand that I can take on my behalf.
At Will

You sound like an at-will employee and what you describe is very common...a new boss comes in and all the people from the old boss goes out. Not fair but not illegal. You didn't say what state your in or how you dressed inparticular. Yes, it's common when someone takes over to have to reapply for the position. Lots of companies who take over contracts make all the employees reapply. So, I am sorry for your trouble but now you see how it works in the "real" world. The fact you are black really has no bearing on the situation, this would be happening regardless of your race according to what you posted. The fact the other worker was light skinned and you're not there is no possible way to say what was on the mind of the President..maybe she said what she said because the woman supported her. Who knows why? No one does so there is nothing you may do but reapply and if I were you I would be looking elese where for a job...maybe even off campus.:(
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