Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft juv. cali girls

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New Member
me and my friend are both 15 year old girls. about 1 week ago we were caught shop lifting (caugh on camra) a make up store. they called the cops they made a report we were arrested and finger printed the whole thing. her fine was diffrent from mine she only owes $26 i owe $182. but after we got caught they had discovered other stolen stuff which i took the blame for. so all together i took from 3 stores.. now im wondering this is my first offence ive never been arrested before or anything so if i just plead guilty what would happen?? and espically since im down for 3 diffrent stores. im just trying to find out what would be easier for me im trying to find a loop whole or anything im just not trying to make this whole thing more difficult.
"Just pleading guilty" is the same as writing a blank check. It would be very unwise. In addition depending on what they do or dont do with other thefts you could be looking at felony charges. You need to start calling Lawyers many offer free consultations get as many as you can. It will be hard to plan a defense until you know what charge or charges your facing
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