Permanent Residency K1 Visa Question regarding Temp Green Card

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New Member
Is the 2 year Temporary Visa with Travel restrictions a requirement of the K1 Visa, or are all cases judged individually? If it is a requirement, when was this implemented? The reason I am asking is because a person I know married his wife through a K1 Visa and he said his wife did not have any restrictions on re-entry for her Visa. They were married a few years ago.
I have been dating my fiancee a couple of years now, so it's not like I just met her and decided to get married on a whim. I don't really see much written about how this policy is applied and would appreciate it if anyone had any insight to this?
Explain more about what of it was issued and more........I need more to be able to help. Give me dates and processes you have been so far. There is no one size fit all for every case in immigration law on certain issues......
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