kicked out/off for nothing at all.

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:angel I have broken no legal laws or rules of the management at my friends housing complex. but when I parked my car across the street at the publik library he called the cops on me. where i was surched and harassed for a half hour by the police. when they were done they said sorry at that it was perfectly legal for me to be there. now today I go back to my friends house and he knocked on her door and said I have to leave. I am 30 years old have My own orthodontic lab have never been arrested for drugs robbery and lead a pretty normal life. is it legal for him to do this or can i file harrasment charges against him. Please help I feel powerless and abused.
:angel I have broken no legal laws or rules of the management at my friends housing complex. but when I parked my car across the street at the publik library he called the cops on me. where i was surched and harassed for a half hour by the police. when they were done they said sorry at that it was perfectly legal for me to be there. now today I go back to my friends house and he knocked on her door and said I have to leave. I am 30 years old have My own orthodontic lab have never been arrested for drugs robbery and lead a pretty normal life. is it legal for him to do this or can i file harrasment charges against him. Please help I feel powerless and abused. :eek::eek::eek:

There must be something missing to your story.

You say you are 30 years old.
How old is your "friend"?

The person that knocked on the door, is that person related to your "friend"?

Is the "person" that complained about you mentally ill?

Do you have any felony convictions?

I'll await your responses.

In the interim, I suggest that you (or your "friend") contact the police if you believe this "person' is a threat to your safety.
my friend is 36 and the man that nocked on her door is the landlord. if i truly was doing something wrong i would understand and go quietly in to the night. the manager has no background or personal knowlegde of me or my friend ship with this adult and i have only been over to her house 12 times in the past two months he could have me confused with some one else but he has a general distain for me and wont talk or say anything but leave.
my friend is 36 and the man that nocked on her door is the landlord. if i truly was doing something wrong i would understand and go quietly in to the night. the manager has no background or personal knowlegde of me or my friend ship with this adult and i have only been over to her house 12 times in the past two months he could have me confused with some one else but he has a general distain for me and wont talk or say anything but leave.

I don't know what to tell you.

You have a legal right to visit your friend.

If all that you say is true, you did nothing illegal.

That is borne out by the fact that police investigated you and RELEASED you without charging you.

I see no reason why you legally can't return to visit your 'friend".

But, why go where you aren't wanted?

Why not arrange to visit your "friend' at a neutral site?

You could have your "friend" visit you at your home, couldn't you?

I suspect that if and when you return to visit your 'friend", the landlord will slither around and start more trouble.

Your "friend" may have some unusual provision in her lease barring visitors.

Or, she may be "paying" her "rent" to the "scumlord" in rather unconventional ways.

I've always been the kind to avoid trouble.

If it were me, I'd meet her at Starbucks or the public library across the street.

The "scumlord" may think of himself as her "boyfriend".

This could be a dangerous situation.

Others like to push things, especially their legal rights.

The place to do that is in the courts, not the streets.

Whatever you do, be careful.
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