Kicking me out over an injury?

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New Member
So, this family that I've been staying with has been giving me a place to stay in lieu of some work I've done for them in the past. I injured myself (not job related) and pulled a dorsal muscle, preventing me from doing anything strenuous for a while. Well, now they're kicking me out, with only a weeks notice because I could no longer do any work for them since my injury (past 2 days)...and they're saying that it's law that they can pretty much displace me without any real time to gather myself. Also, they've harassed my family because they couldn't take me in, calling them a "piece of sh*t" and other such things, and saying that if I were to contact them from their household, I'd be thrown out immediately. Is there a law to help me here? Also, I've been kept in very poor conditions, their basement is unfinished and has a lot of exposed coaxial cables and improperly hung lighting fixtures. They've asked me for my food stamps in lieu of some form of rent, and they spent it all on now i'm basically looking at eviction and now way to feed myself. I need some serious advice.
The sooner you go the better off you will be. You won't get anything griping about the living conditions.
If you are the sole tenant in an owner occupied residence then the law is likely in the owners favor.
about 66 days... since the end of november

You might wish to discuss your predicament with the Salvation Army, a homeless shelter, social security, The Red Cross, the state social services office, large churches, or other charitable organizations.

Somewhere in that maze, there could be help available to you.

But, you're sitting on a powder keg and the fuse is lit.

No one owes you a place to stay.

You're an adult, so leave on your own, before they get the sheriff to drag you out.
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