Kid doesn't attend school on time regularly when with Mom

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Hi, I am a father who had to take my ex to court this past year as my daughter was late or missing full days 60% of the time. She is 9 and I feel her education and routine is VERY important. I was given 50/50 custody however I have her every 2nd Thurs-Mon and Fri-Mon of the following week, I am only taking her 3/10 days to school, he mother is still responsible for 7/10 days. Since court I was told to give mom some time to get used to sending my daughter to school on time. I gave her Feb-June and continued to stay in touch with the teachers daily, my daughter has missed a several full days however when she does her mother does NOT call the school to advise why. She is still late 60+% (mom only has her 70% of the time for school) of the time arriving anytime between 30mins-3 hours late, when the teacher asks my daughter why she was late, she says "we slept in". When my daughter and her mother sleep in she does not have time for a proper breakfast so some days doesn't eat breakfast, other days eats while she walks to school and stated if she's eating on the way to school she's not brushing her teeth until that night for the first time. At this time I am looking to go back for full SCHOOL time custody, rotating weekends so she has time with her mom, and offering week on week off during XMAS, March break with her mom and week on week off for the summer, to ensure they still have a relationship and time together. Is this something I can expect to win or anything I've missed that would help me in this matter? thanks,
Your remedy lies in the court. I hold a law degree and a license to practice law. I lost my psychic reader's hotline license when they prosecuted Miss Cleo. Seriously, you appear to have a good argument about mom not getting kiddo to school on time.

But, she'll get a chance(s) to improve, before her visitation/custody is changed.

However, putting it onrecord will start the process. If the court isn't noticed,nothing will change.
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