Kids were hurt in accident, Grandmother snatched them.

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My son's children were taken against his wishes by his ex-mother-in-law from California to Oklahoma. He had just moved to CA to be near them, as their mother has residential custody and lives there with her parents. They have 50-50 physical custody. He was in CA for one day when she called him, laughed at him and said he couldn't see his kids as she was taking them to OK. He told her she didn't have his permission. She took them anyway. A week later, they were in a terrible vehicle accident in Oklahoma City resulting in multiple serious injuries to one child, and a fractured skull to the other. The accident was not her fault. There is a lawsuit now that my son started, after 7 weeks of hospitalization and finding out no one else had filed. They will be suing the car insurance companies, and the driver who caused the accident. The combined won't come close to covering the medical bills, but the lawyer said the kids should have some money to put away for college. They are 3 and 7. I am wondering if my son has grounds to sue also. He would really like to file kidnapping charges, but his lawyer feels the custody agreement has a gray area and it wasn't really abduction if the mother said they could go. My son had an apartment rented and interviews lined up, and had to leave it all to go to Oklahoma to care for his daughter in the hospital for 8 weeks. With no job now and no where to live, he has come to stay with us in Iowa, and his exwife has taken the kids back to California. He had been working at Sprint in Kansas City for 7 years, and quit to go live and work near his kids. This taking of his kids and the accident have totally turned his world upside down. Does he have any grounds for a lawsuit for his loss of job, apartment, etc.? And anguish while his daughter fought for her life? Thanks. BTW, this resulted in a nasty custody fight where things are still up in the air.
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