Kirby kraziness


New Member
So about 2 weeks ago my bf comes and tells me as I'm getting ready for work that there's a man from Kirby that wants to show me a demonstration I said ya know what I'm not interested I just bought a new vacuum he kept going on and on about how amazing it was and insisted on showing me a demo I told him if he could get the paint out of my carpet I would get one if I was approved. My boyfriend was home with our daughter and I left for work I come home from work and there is the Kirby sitting in my living room. About 5 days later the guy calls me back and goes hey we need the Kirby back you weren't approved by the second finance company and we need it bAck and I told him no problem I'm out of town I'll let you know when I'm back. He said cool no probalem yesterday these 3 guys and 1 girl show up to pick up the Kirby 10 minutes before I have to be at work. Block me in my drive way and said they weren't leaving until they had the Kirby back and I said well I'm sorry I don't have time to do this right now. I never signed any documents for them never gave them permission to run my credit or anything my boyfriend signed my name and my signature compared to the one he signed for me is way different. Now they are saying they are going to call the police and take me to court they also took pictures of my license plate and a picture of me when I was pulling out of my drive way. I'm so livid with these people and honestly I'm to the point where I feel like I want to sue these scam of people. I'm wondering if they have a leg to stand on since I didn't sign anything and I was at work the time that all of the paperwork was going on and if I wanted to sue would I have a chance.
Did you give "the Kirby" back? If not, why not? As far as your questions, I don't really understand what you're asking. If you don't want the thing, give it back and be done with it and then have a very serious talk with your boyfriend about what he did.
Honestly, I wouldn't have taken more than a minute or two to give them the thing while they were there. Are you willing to press charges against your boyfriend for forging your signature? Because if you sue them, that will be part of it. Yes what they did was wrong and they may be scammers, but you still have to give them back the machine.
Did you give "the Kirby" back? If not, why not? As far as your questions, I don't really understand what you're asking. If you don't want the thing, give it back and be done with it and then have a very serious talk with your boyfriend about what he did.

He pawed the Kirby the day after for $50 so I can't go get it out of pawn. Because it's not in my name
OMG Well then you don't need to worry about suing them. They will probably be suing you. All you will have to do of course is prove that you didn't sign anything.
He pawed the Kirby the day after for $50 so I can't go get it out of pawn. Because it's not in my name

Oh my, you might also wish to address the harmful actions HE is causing you.

It might be time to report the crimes he may have committed in your name.

He is ruining your good name, which could end up hurting your babies.
It appears to me you are in the clear in all of this. Your boyfriend is the one they should be concerned with.

Whether or not he committed fraud using your name is questionable. Depending on your conversation with him you may have authorized him to do so on your behalf. You did say you would buy if approved so it seems a gray area.

However, if he then pawned the item that did not belong to him he now has a bigger problem. It would be in his best interest to recover the vacuum immediately and return it to the owner.

Either way, your responsibility here is minimal, but that won't stop them from hounding you and pursuing you into court.

You should find a smarter boyfriend who doesn't drag you into such silliness. Pawning the vacuum was absolutely stupid.
He pawed the Kirby the day after for $50 so I can't go get it out of pawn. Because it's not in my name


Well...dude is obviously a moron. You'll deal with him however you want, but he needs to get it out of hock so you can return it to the seller.

Life lesson: NEVER buy anything from a door-to-door salesman. Don't even entertain their sales pitches. Even if it's something you want, you're never going to get a better deal from a door-to-door salesman than you can get elsewhere.
Life lesson: NEVER buy anything from a door-to-door salesman. Don't even entertain their sales pitches. Even if it's something you want, you're never going to get a better deal from a door-to-door salesman than you can get elsewhere.

There are a few of us that subscribe to unadulterated common sense logic.

I can't speak for the others, but you've just joined the "Old Codgers, Country Coots, and Lovable Curmudgeons Club".

So, let me get this straight. You were loaned a vacuum with the understanding that upon credit approval you would be purchasing it. You didn't qualify for the financing, and didn't pay for it, and when they asked to come get their vacuum you loaned them, told them it would be almost a week before it was convenient for you. When they did show up to pick up their property, you refused to give it to them, then let your boyfriend pawn it, despite the fact that it is not yours. And somehow you believe you are the wronged party? Seriously? Go get the vacuum that is not yours, hope that nothing happened to it to damage it, and return it ASAP to the company.
She shouldn't say a word about the pawn unless she wants to invite more trouble. Simply retrieve and return the vacuum.

If the pawn is reported to law enforcement it will bring in a whole new criminal element to this matter that can still be resolved without that.
Deep inside the darkest recesses of my brain, hidden among my many sulcus and gyrus I admit to rooting for @Fecochran and her family and against Kirby.

Kirby is not an entity with whom I am able to feel any compassion towards for their many misdeeds and "cons".

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