I had this cat who had leukemia but I didn't know. My vet said she had some sinus thing and gave me anitbiotics. They didn't work. She had kittens and I took her back and he gave me another kind of anitbiotic. Then her chest bursted open and the vet said it was normal it happened sometimes. He stitched her up.Finally I took her again and he ran the leukemia test and we had her put down. I had to bring in the two kittens to get tested. I told him that they were sneezing and coughing he said that was nothing to worry about. Their tests came back fine and we began the shots. The next day one of the kittens was very sick so I rushed her back and he said it was a sinus thing and she wasn't eating becuase she couldn't smell and gave me the same anitboitics as before. The next day she was worse so I brought her back. He said he would keep her over night. They relesed her to me a couple days later and my boyfriend was with me. The vet said she was eating on her own. I had her over the weekend and she wasn't eating or drinking. I brought her back the vet said that he never said she was eating on her own. Which is a lie.They kept her for 2 days and put her down without my permission and not even a phone call. I don't think I should have to pay them. The bills from pervious visits drained what little savings I had. Is there anything I can do?