L.A. County Covid19 spikes, with 10,000 infected in a week, as Delta variant spreads

army judge

Super Moderator
"Unvaccinated people in L.A. County comprised 98.7% of COVID-19 hospitalizations and 99.8% of deaths between Dec. 7 and June 7, and not a single fully vaccinated person has been hospitalized for COVID-19 at L.A. County's massive public hospital system."

I wonder how many of them are reconsidering their positions on vaccination.
I wonder how many of them are reconsidering their positions on vaccination.

They should not only be reconsidering, they should be getting those two jabs.

Some shit is so simple, you don't need to study or debate it, just do it.

Sadly, far too many human beings get dumber by the year.
Bottom line, millions are stuck on stupid.

I recall the positive buzz about the Polio, Yellow Fever, Smallpox vaccines.
People, even children, knew how deadly (or life altering) those diseases could be.
People got vaccinated, and were gleeful about the potential protection the vaccines would offer.

Somehow people never felt the same about the Covid vaccines.
I wish I knew why.
I suspect some of the people who distrust the effectiveness of the Covid vaccines were harmed (or had loved ones harmed) by other vaccines.

I see this phenomenon across the political spectrum, long before the Covid plague began to infect human beings.
Many parents have misgivings about certain childhood vaccines, believing vaccinations can lead to conditions like ADDHD in young males.
Sadly the vaccines have been politicized. Getting vaccinated = Bowing to the socialist, lefty, pinko, bleeding heart Democrats. :rolleyes:

Personally, I'd bow to about anyone and take a vaccine that would prevent dying of a deadly virus. ;)
Sadly the vaccines have been politicized. Getting vaccinated = Bowing to the socialist, lefty, pinko, bleeding heart Democrats. :rolleyes:

Personally, I'd bow to about anyone and take a vaccine that would prevent dying of a deadly virus. ;)

I just saw how absolutely true this is - we visited family in another state and the dividing line between the vaccinated and unvaccinated was pretty firmly drawn, with the uber-conservative/Republican/evangelicals unvaccinated and adamant about not believing that the virus was real, or that if it's real, it's no big deal, and scoffing at the vaccination because "they don't know what's in it" and there was no way they were going to get the shots because it's all a leftist plot.

A few people I know are more quiet about it, they are just privately skeptical and say they are waiting (for what, I'm not sure, maybe to see if those of us who are vaccinated drop dead, glow in the dark, grow wings, or something?) For the most part those people are younger and haven't seen many other vaccinations developed in their lifetimes so I think maybe that's where some of the skepticism comes from, but I also know their political views and I think much it goes back to mistrust because of the politicization of it.
People are people, sometimes I wonder if they do things on purpose or maybe they are either down and out or generally don't give a chit about other people and their health.

Same thing with tobacco use, the Vaccine is free but these people some how find enough change to go and buy their nasty arse tobacco products for 7-8 bucks a pack and then wonder why they are deaths door all the time.

The human race will not be around forever like A.I. (the movie)
Same thing with tobacco use, the Vaccine is free but these people some how find enough change to go and buy their nasty arse tobacco products for 7-8 bucks a pack and then wonder why they are deaths door all the time.

Agreed. I never understood the appeal of smoking. Sure, it was glamorized in the early days of film, particularly the 1920s through the 1950s. That was before it was generally known (other than to the tobacco firms, who hid their studies) just how bad they are for the smoker's health and the health of those around them. It hasn't been glamorized much in media after the 70s ended, so why young people still pick up the habit is beyond me. I never thought it looked cool to smoke and the god awful smell it gives the smoker, his/her clothes, and the smoker's home ought to be enough to make anyone want to stay far away from it.
Agreed. I never understood the appeal of smoking. Sure, it was glamorized in the early days of film, particularly the 1920s through the 1950s. That was before it was generally known (other than to the tobacco firms, who hid their studies) just how bad they are for the smoker's health and the health of those around them.

I agree, and cigarette smokers are another phenomenon that baffles me.

Which leads me to another baffling circumstance, those who clamor for burning and inhaling the stench of marijuana.

Not only does one's olfactory senses get flooded with the odor of stale tobacco smoke, one also has to inhale the residue odor of stale marijuana.
Which leads me to another baffling circumstance, those who clamor for burning and inhaling the stench of marijuana.

The smell of weed seems even stronger to me than tobacco. Considering that you can get the high from weed by eating edibles with the stuff baked into them it's silly to me to smoke it. The only benefit to smoking it is that you get the high a bit faster. Well, people smoking weed seem to have a lot of time on their hands anyway, so what's the rush? :rolleyes:
The smell of weed seems even stronger to me than tobacco.

I agree, again.

The odor of stale weed lingers far longer than tobacco.

A police chief friend of mine, who graduated from one of the DEA's senior leadership academies told me that stench of burnt weed lingers longer than tobacco.

He even went on to assert that personal hygiene habits of weed burners tend to be more LAX than those of tobacco burners.

Either way, both leafy vegetable matter materials do provide a lingering, albeit unpleasant aroma to invade the olfactory senses of innocent passerbys.
Either way, both leafy vegetable matter materials do provide a lingering, albeit unpleasant aroma to invade the olfactory senses of innocent passerbys.

My simple mind translates this statement to this: Pot smokers give Pepé Le Pew a run for his money!
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