Lack of Skill License Suspension

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New Member
I recently was in an at-fault accident, where, while parking at my office at around 6AM, I accidently hit the gas and hit a building in front of the parking space. I called the cops and my insurance company and my car was towed away. I explained the situation to the cops that came, and I was crying and quite emotional because of my stupidity as well as the fact that my car's bumper and hood would have to be replaced. No one was injured, my airbags did not go off, although I did crack some plaster and created a small hole - my car did not go through the building or anything though. My insurance settled the claim quickly with the owner of the building for about $3,000.

A few nights ago, I received a letter from the DMV stating that my license was suspended because of "lack of skill" and that a law enforcement referral had been received stating I had been driving in an unsafe manner and collided with a building. When I called to request a hearing, they would not issue me a restricted license until the hearing date and said I had been involved in a major accident.

I have never received a ticket, but I did have an accident about 2 and a half years ago where I was at fault and it was settled with my insurance company. I am also under 25 if that makes a difference.

When I called the police station to request a copy of the police report, they said the police report was not finished and I couldn't have it yet, although this happened a few weeks ago. The DMV said they would send me proof of the evidence against me, but that it would take a few weeks.

Is this a normal thing to occur when involved in a property damage accident? How long can I expect to have my license suspended? Is there a chance my license could be revoked or suspended indefenitly? I am a recent college graduate who needs to go to work to pay the bills, and it seems strange to me that they won't even let me have a restricted license when people who receive their 1st DUI usually get a restricted license.
Many state laws allow a referral for retesting by police officers and medical practitioners. You appear to have impressed the officer with your lack of skill.
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