Laid Off - Can I still go on STD?

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I was advised my position was eliminated and I was being laid off with 5/24 being my last day. I'm using up 2 weeks of vacation accrued before my last day. I do have to sign the separation agreement by 5/24.

Before being advised of the lay off, I was planning on surgery and applied for STD starting the day of my surgery 6/24. I have since moved up my surgery date since I've been laid off and can't look for a job until the surgery and recovery are completed. I was planning on being out for 6 weeks.

Can I still go on STD and receive medical benefits? Cobra is very expensive. I can't look for work until I'm recovered. I have rescheduled my surgery for 5/20 - 4 days before my last day. I'm assuming I'd loose my separation money which covers my 4 years of service.

When does COBRA go into effect if I'm laid off and on STD? Need some answers quick. Thanks,
Can I still go on STD and receive medical benefits?

It will depend entirely on your STD policy, which no one here has read. Chances are that it will be available to you as long as your surgery takes place before your last day, but if there is any provision in it that benefits are unavailable if you are not actively at work, or if benefits are unavailable if you are no layoff notice (both of which are quite legal, before you ask) then those provisions would hold.

When does COBRA go into effect if I'm laid off and on STD?

COBRA always, always, always, always, always goes into effect retroactively to the date your health insurance was canceled. You have 60 days from the cancellation date to make your election and 45 days from the date you make your election to make your first payment. There are no exceptions whatsoever to the effective date, regardless of whether you were laid off, fired, quit, etc; regardless of whether you are or are not on STD; regardless of anything. It either goes into effect on the date of cancellation or it doesn't go into effect at all.
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