Land contract problems

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I think I am in a mess. I have entered into a land contract BEFORE I acquired a new mortgage, not on purpose, just due to dumbness. So, I am being told that I did it illegally and could be in trouble. 2nd, Said land contract is now being questioned by the buyer who wants to make revisions after the fact. Am I bound to agree to the revisions? Do I have cause to break the contract? (I hope!) This grandmother is losing sleep over this and, living on Social Security, I can't afford a lawyer! Thank you ahead of time.....
I can't give you any solutions without seeing the contract. To begin, most contracts of sale, at least the standard ones, are conditioned upon the buyer obtaining a mortgage, if that is what was contemplated. Second, if you already have a contract, the other party can't unilaterally make changes. If you breached the contract then the other party may have remedies and I'm not sure what those are.
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