Land lord posted my picture on Craigs list without my permission.

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We are moving out and I just happen to notice that the land lord advertising our place for rent on Craigs list posted a picture that has me in it without my knowledge or permission. Not of my back but me facing front I am really not happy about this I am not one who wants their picture online for any reason. Any information at all would be helpful cause this seems really wrong.
yes just did a little while ago.

I ask because I just saw the mediator who did the pre inspection and this was a nice lady and my land lord is nuts. I think she wanted to help. She flagged me down and told me I had nothing to worry about when it came to getting my deposit back due to the computer thing. So this leads me to believe that I have a ace up my sleeve cause she said just bring that up. I am looking for a little more clarification incase I have to go into detail.
Your landlord didn't do anything illegal by posting the picture, if that is what you are thinking. If you made the report to Craigslist then the picture will likely be removed. You also need to notify the landlord to use a different picture. Even if she refuses, you don't have much of an argument to make. Just keep reporting it to the websites and they will usually remove it promptly.
I just dont understand why the mediator would flag me down to tell me this then. Also if what you say is right that means anyone can use any image of anyone to solicit any product or service without permission or compensation to said individual.
It does not sound like your image is being used as part of a solicitation.... you just happen to be in the photo. The photo was apparently taken in public and does not require your consent.
A real simple fix is to take a photo yourself and deliver it to the landlord requesting that the images be changed.
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