Landloard breaking the law in MA about security deposits

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Hi, me and 2 of my friends just moved out of our house which we had a 1 year and 15 day lease for. At the end of our stay, we caused some damages, which the landlord totaled to $1950. Our security deposit was $1750. He is asking for us to give him another $250 on top of taking our security deposit away. He will not let us see the receipts for these damages.

I know that MA law says the landlord must keep our security deposit in a MA bank that accrues interest. The landlord did not do this, did not send us a letter within 30 days of receiving our secuirty deposit stating the bank account #, bank where it was deposited, and the interest rate, and did not send us our interest accrued on August 15th of this year which was 1 full year after the start of our lease.

We also had a 4th roomate at our place which the landlord did not know about, which it clearly states in our lease that we cant have.

So my questions are:
1. If we bring this to court, are we going to get 3 times the Security Deposit amount and
5% interest, which amounts to $5350?
1a. Since he broke this law, do we not have to pay him anything in damages, even though
we know we caused some of these damages?
2. Can the landlord charge us more or do anything since we had a 4th roomate live in our
house for 5 months when it clearly states in the lease that we cant?
3. Can the landlord add any more charges than the ones he already named in the
itemized list, or since its past 30 days after we moved out, can he use only the list he
submitted to us earlier?
4. Do we have the legal right to look at the receipts of the charges which he is making,
which are pretty high if you as me?

Thank you I appreciate it.
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