landlord abandon property

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New Member
Havent had communication with landlord in 8 months, house need major fixing should I fix it or move? What rights do you have when landlord abandons property
Who do you pay rent to?

If you make any repairs then save receipts, but you will have a hard time getting paid back.
Your better option might be to find a better place to live.
Havent had communication with landlord in 8 months, house need major fixing should I fix it or move? What rights do you have when landlord abandons property

If the landlord has abandoned the property, you'd be very foolish to invest any money to repair property you don't own.

It is quite possible that back taxes are owed on the property, there might be a mortgage, there might be heirs that will seek to take over the property, there might be a joint tenant that owns the property, there might be many things you know nothing about.

There might even be a lien holder who is moving to assert superior title to the property.

There could even be a judgment holder seeking to levy against the title.

If I were in your shoes, I'd be moving as fast as I could.
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