Landlord acting as a storage unit

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New Member
My boyfriend rent a house and subleted (is that right?) a room to a third person. After sometime the renter moved out and left the area for the summer. We allowed him to store his stuff without charge for the summer.

When ex-renter came back he stated he had no where to take his stuff. He asked if we would continue to store his property. We advised that he would have to start to pay to continue to store his property. Told ex-renter that we needed some amount of payment after the first month. Ex-renter did not pay anything and stated will not be able to. Told ex-renter that he had a week to move his stuff out. Ex-renter has moved out some of his stuff but has not removed the rest and it is pass the time we told him to move his stuff. What can we do to have his stuff removed?
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You send him written documentation that he has until a certain date (say, two weeks after he receives the letter) to remove the remaining items or it will be assumed he no longer wants them and they will be discarded.

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