Landlord added parking fee w/o notice

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New Member
I live in a 20 unit apartment building in Portland, OR and share a unit with 2 roommates. The building has a large parking lot, and when we moved in there were no assigned parking spots or registration of vehicles. We were allowed to park anywhere in the lot and there was no restriction on number of vehicles or guest parking (all 3 of us have cars and were able to park them in the lot).

Now the apartment manager has decided to assign parking spots to each unit, and has only allocated 1 spot per unit. If we would like additional spots there is now a monthly fee per spot. We have not signed anything, or been given official paperwork announcing this change in policy. The lease we are on is month-to-month, but has not been amended to include this new parking policy.

Is this legal? Can our landlord begin charging a fee for something that was assumed to be included in rent when we accepted the terms of the lease?

How would you recommend I approach this issue with our property manager?

Thanks for any advice!
Did your lease address parking or did you folks simply assume free parking was included in this rental?

Has there been an issue with all tenants not being able to find enough parking spaces in the parking lot?

Can folks park in areas outside the lot (i.e., street parking)?

There are adequate parking spots for all of the cars, with at least 5 empty spots at all times. On street parking is a possibility.

Here's a summary of what the lease includes regarding parking:
"off street parking is for the primary use of residents vehicle parking. Second cars, trailers, rv's, boats and guest vehicles are allowed only in designates spaces. All vehicles must be in running condition, licensed and insured. Any vehicle not complying will be towed."
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