Landlord and 6 friends with weapons break-in

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New Member
My Landlord who lives next door down from my room told me on 9-9-09 (Wednesday) I have until Sunday to find a new place or he will put my things outside. Today (Saturday) he broke down my room that I just put a lock on with a hammer with 6 of his friends and attacked me. I called 911 and they are now all in jail, with the 3 who had weapons being booked for felonous assualt, and the rest for Home Invasion. One of them hit me twice with the hammer in my chest.

I want to know what my options are? Can I sue? Can I get a restraining order against them, particularly my Landlord (who did assult me physically during the time all 7 of them were in my room and around me.)

Background: No lease, I refused to sign his personal lease AFTER I moved in because of the rediculous terms he put in it, like $900 penalty for breaking the lease early and a clause where landlord can break lease for any reason. He got very upset when I told him I don't like him smoking pot next to me all the time.
I'd be moving out of there while all these folks are cooling their heels in jail. I suggest that a restraining order against them would be about a useless as one square of toilet paper when one has diarrhea.

Move and then consider a lawsuit for any damages you suffered.

Arraignment was today and Christopher (the brother who has many guilty larceny charges in his past) was charged with feloneous assault. Tim the landlord (who has a bench warrant and guilty embezzlement charges in his past) was charged with malicious destruction of property $200-1000. The other 5 were let go without even a tresspassing charge/ticket becaue the assistant prosecutor said he couldn't find any statute in michigan where my room is the same as B+E.. equivalent to someone renting an apartment and them breaking down my door. I am upset and distressed because I wasn't even able to get restraining orders against these 5 guys (most of them are drug friends) What do I do now?
The brothers have no contact orders and Tim was just escorted by police to his room to gather some belongings. The pre-trial date is 22nd Sept. So I have a little time to find another place to live.
What are my options for civil action?
Get out of the place! Now! What is to stop these five guys from coming back and killing you as retaliation for you having them arrested?

And you're worried about destruction of property worth less than $1000???

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