landlord and mold

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New Member
my roommates and i have been living in this house for roughly 9 months now. about a month ago we noticed mold growing on the wall and the floor feeling lumpy. we called our landlord and he never got back to us. he finally came out and flipped out on us saying tis our fault and so on. it was a leak in the wall that we didnt know about and we had called him. i need to know what the odds are if he takes us to court or vice versa. the whole time we have rented from him he has forgotten about major discussions and facts. he even forgot that we gave him a security deposit!!! he is threatening to kick us out tomorrow which i know he cant do, but i need to know what to expect when it comes to court. please help. further info can be given. pls help asap!!!
Keep your receipts for deposits and all lease related docs and payments. He can't kick you out if you are not in violation of agreement. He needs to give you advance notice to make arrangements. He can't win in court if the leak was in a location you could not tell……..these things happen and the case sounds weak based on your post. You exercised good judgment so you are fine. I think it is best you start looking around instead of continuing to stay there………..people like this would keep trying to get under your skin…….He knows he has to spend on repair and would always try to blame you. If can't kick you out without formal notice if your lease is still valid.
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