Landlord Breaking Lease....

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New Member
I moved into this house on June 1st, 2009. On July 22nd, 2009, my landlord stopped in to tell me that he is getting a divorce and has no place to live, so he is giving us 30 days to move out of our house, in order for him to move in. Later that day, he dropped off a piece of paper letting us know what date to move out, etc.

Now, I had signed a 12 month lease. I'm fine with moving out because I am a little tired of dealing with him. However, I was told that I can bill him for the moving expenses. Is this correct?

I told him he would need to cover the moving expenses and he told me that he wasn't going to, and that we'd have to go to court.

What can I do?
Some states allow landlords a bit of leeway in terms of terminating a lease so they can move into the rental unit. These are often states that have rent controlled housing which makes moving a tenant out difficult.

Obviously not an issue in Indiana. The landlord needing to move into your place because his love life has gone down the crapper is not a valid reason to kick you out.

You are correct; he should have to pay your moving expenses since it was his choice to break the lease.

Remember that if you stay he may begin to make your life a living...well, you know what in an attempt to "justify" evicting you.

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