Landlord broke into my appt.

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New Member
Hello, any advice would be appreciated.

The landlord has a house with 5 people renting rooms. Because i need to save some money and not having a huge amount of money to pay for deposit and first and last month.

I was 7 days late, I drop him a note saying sorry for being late , I will pay in 2 days. Well when i got home from work that night, he kick the door open, My laptop, Ipod, $217 dollars are gone. When i called him, he didn't want to answer my calls, One of the neighbor said that they saw him carrying it to his car.

Now what are my options, does he really have the right to broke into my room. can I take legal actions.

Thank you
Call the police and report the burglary. It may leave you homeless, soon, but I cannot imagine that SD law permits a landlord to just break in and take what he wants if you are late with a payment.

Call the police.
Your "landlord" isn't very bright. Do what CDwJava said, call the police.
Call the police, as everyone else says, OP.

But, get yourself some new digs, too.

I'd also sue the landlord thief in small claims.

Get the guy that saw him to write you a statement and ask him to be your witness in court.

Let that thief see how he'll like explaining to a judge what he did.

Sue him, make him pay YOU!!!
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