landlord clause for maintenance

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New Member
I have a landlord who has put a clause in my lease that basically says that I have to pay for any regular maintenance that costs below $75.00. I should have noticed it when I read the lease but she worded in a tricky way. I found out after I had to have a garage remote reprogrammed and was charged for the labor. I just did not know if she could legally put a clause in like that and if I am legally bound to it because I signed the lease. The problem is that this apartment is a part of a historical home. The apartment is very old and she has done NO updates, so things can easily fall apart. I recently had a window break because they just fall sometimes on their own. I called the maintenance guy and he said that it would cost under $75.00 so I would have to pay for it. In my opinion she has neglected to keep the apartment safe. I have talked to a lawyer at my college and a fair housing person and neither one of them know for sure if she allowed to do this. Help!!!
Of course she can do it.

Because you signed it, you're bound by it.

The time to object is before you sign.

You could have taken the lease to your lawyer to review.

Sorry, but the wily, old lady, gotcha!!!
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