Landlord failure to supply running water

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New Member
I am signing my lease on the 1st and the landlord has not paid the past water bill from the previous tenants which were evicted. The water is turned off at this time. I have put down a $500 down deposit to hold the house last month. I have moved all utilities over as its two days away signing the lease. I also had to buy renters insurance. If he fails to pay the water bill and provide running water what rights do I have? I have spent lots of money transferring things over and renting trucks. What legal rights do I have if any?

Thank you for your help
yes he said its the water comp. fault and lies why it was shut of, I know the lady at the water comp and she told me why it was. He just keeps telling me he calls and no one is there.
A landlord has a requirement to keep all plumbing in good working order and provide adequate hot water (although, interestingly enough, there is typically no requirement to provide cold water).

When a tenant skips out on a water bill, it is not unusual that the water company will attempt to charge the owner of the property (i.e., the landlord) with the bill. This is because most water companies are county/city owned and do not have the resources to track down the previous tenant. The obvious thing the landlord should do is pay the bill and then sue the former tenants for this.

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