Landlord Going to Prison

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New Member
The problem that I am having has to do with my landlord. There are two names on my lease, my landlord and his wife. At first we were just dealing with him and a week before we moved in we were only hearing from his wife who we had never met. She told us that he had to go to Wisconsin to take care of his Father who was dying. From here on her story just didn't make sense. First she came over with a man she introduced as her father in law and then she told us she was selling the house because she had to do plumbing work on her house that was $25,000. I thought I was about to be scammed in some way so I did a little research on both of their names. What I found was scary. Her husband did go to Wisconsin but not for his dad. He was arrested shortly before I moved in for 6 felonies including 5 for child prostitution and 1 for child enticement. Also about one month after we moved into the house we found out it was for sale but not from her. My landlord had lied to me about this at first saying that her real estate agent wanted to show the house as an example of the potential property has in our neighborhood. Needless to say after a couple visits we became suspicious. I asked the agent if the house was for sale and she said yes. My question is I really do not want either my name or my boyfriends name associated with this man in any way and I was wondering is there any way we can end our lease legally because of what is going on with my landlord? We are really tired of the lying and people constantly tramping through our house. We just want out.
The fact that the landlord is going to prison has no impact on you or your lease. You two are not involved in the specifics of what he has been charged with. This is also not justification for breaking your lease legally.

Pay your rent, keep the house neat and tidy and with luck, it will be rented to better class of landlord.

Okay I see your point. Then can I ask if someone else does purchase the house before the lease is up will if affect our lease? There is nothing in our lease about the sale of the property. Also if the new owner wants us out can we ask to be reimbursed for moving costs? The fact that we are renting has not been disclosed to most of the people viewing the property. Most expect to move in and some have asked us if we would move out. I'm not sure how to answer this question.
What is the length of your current lease?

When a house that is a rental is sold, the lease remains in effect until it would naturally terminate. In other words, if you have a year lease and two months from now the place sells, the new owner cannot tell you to "get out".

If someone purchases the house and wants you to move out, you can certainly state you will grant this request and allow the breaking of the lease with reimbursement for moving expenses from the new owner. That's not unusual and certainly not unreasonable.

Do you know of any place (ie website/florida department) I can find information to confirm that our contract has to be honored during and after the sale of our rental property.
Thank you but I have already read this information and I didn't mean to offend anyone. I am looking for some sort of statute or past court cases that have dealt with this sort of issue in particular. I am new to Florida so I am not familiar with their most of their laws. Just trying to do some additional research in case something does come up. Thanks Gail for your advice and time.
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