Landlord has asked me to leave or sign new lease

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New Member
I was offered a job in another state and sent a notice to my landlord informing him of this. There is not real termination language in my lease and therefore under CO law I am to be responsible for the rent payment until landlord finds another tenant or the end of the lease (which is approximately 1 year). I assisted in trying to find another tenant and placed ads on any/every source that I could. Landlord informed that he also began trying to find a replacement tenant. Then my boss at current job asked me to stay and I bowed out of the new job. The place where I live had not been rented as yet so I told my landlord that I plan to stay on. On today I received an email from the landlord and he said that if I stay he wants to draft a new lease and raise the rent and if this is not what I want to do, he wants me out by the end of this month. Can he legally do this? I never gave up the rental.... never removed any of my belongings and I've continued to pay rent. Wouldn't my current lease still be valid? Can he impose this on me? Do I have any rights?
You could stay until the lease expires.
No, he can't force you out, UNLESS he evicts you.
If things are as you say, you still hold a valid lease.
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