Landlord has not returned security deposit yet

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New Member
I vacated my old residence on December 15 and still have not received an itemized list of repairs being charged to me or my security deposit back. I left my new address with my old landlord when I turned in my key. He was kind of a shoddy landlord anyway and I'm afraid he'll refuse to return it. My year lease was up and after a couple months of going month to month, I gave my notice in writing. He was very upset as a result. I'm a single woman and can't afford to be without it so I spent two days cleaning the place before I left. What is my recourse?
In New Mexico the landlord has 30 days to notify a former tenant of the status of their security deposit. Failure to do so negates them from keeping any of the deposit for damages or owed rent:

You start out by writing what is known as a "demand" letter to the landlord, demanding your security deposit within a certain time period (say, two weeks after they receive your letter).

If they fail to respond or do not respond to your satisfaction, then your next step is to consider whether it is worth your time and trouble to file a lawsuit against them.

Such lawsuits are typically handled through Small Claims court.

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