Landlord hasn't responded after house fire

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New Member
The single family dwelling I rent caught on fire on 1/22/10 in the evening. The fire started in the trashcan outside of the house, then spread to the exterior surface. The fire department responded and contained the fire before it spread to the inside of the house. They did however have to rip off much of the siding and insulation to insure the fire was under control, leaving a large area of the wall with no coverage from the outside except one layer of Sheetrock. Due to damage to wiring and exposure of wires on this wall the fire department shut off the power to this part of the house, basically main living room, foyer, hallway and all exterior lights.

I immediately called my landlord and let him know. He stated he would "be by to take a look at the house tomorrow", 1/23/10. He never showed up and I have not heard anything from him as of today, 1/25/10. I think it's also important to note that he doesn't live far, maybe 1/2 mile away from me. I had to board up the exterior structure myself, since the landlord made no effort to do so, which was necessary for safety and to prevent further damage to the house, such as from incliment weather. The fire chief told me he was reporting the fire as "accidental" but we do believe it started from fireplace ash that I disposed of in the garbage (it was about 24 hours old and cold, but he said 72 hours is the rule to be safe). Call it stupidity on my part but it was an accident and had I thought there was any danger I would not have disposed of the ash.

My concerns are:

*I don't know if my landlord has homeowners insurance (he doesn't owe a mortgage since he inherited the house, so I don't know if he's required to)?
*Is there a time limit for filling a claim and if so are we beyond that?
*Am I considered "negligent" here and if so do I need to file a claim with my renters insurance to cover HIS structure?

I have rented from him for 2 years now and he has a tendency to drag his feet on any repairs needed. I really don't feel like my renters insurance should pay to repair his investment, just as I would not ask him to cover my personal belongings had they been damaged, but I'm afraid of a potential lawsuit. I've read about claims being paid by the homeowners insurance and then the insurance company coming after the tenant for damages? Would my renters insurance protect me if that were to happen even if I hadn't filled a claim with them?
No one can predict what your insurance company could or would do.

But, you should report the incident to your insurer and follow their direction. The home needs to be repaired.

If it isn't repaired now, things could get worse.

Report the fire to your insurer.
Write a letter to the homeowner.
Go by his residence and leave a note.
He may be out of town, the state, or even the country.
Don't worry about what he does.
Right now, it is about what you do.
If the FD reports it as accidental then you and your insurance will likely be off the hook. The landlord should have insurance to cover this situation.
If he doesn't live far away then just go down there and talk to him about it.
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