Landlord is selling my property

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New Member
I moved out of my house in april 2010. I had no lease agreement and i contacted my landlord and left him a message, he never returned my call, so wen i found out there was someone moving in, The new tenant told me she throw my belongs away, That the landlord told her too. so I went back today to get the rest of my stuff and the landlord was there and he said i coldnt have any of my stuff and that he was going sale it. What can I do?
no, I was going out there every week and cutting the grass and keep up with the property in exchange. Then i finally got a storage unit and now he said i cant have my stuff he is selling everything
If you two had any kind of arrangement for storage of your property and it is not considered abandonned. You might have cause for law suit in small claims. You will need to document and show proof of items and their current value
If the value of the items were significant, you may wish to hire a local attorney to persue civil action. Though I agree with jacksgal's sarcasm, the limit on abandoned property in Texas is three years. See the Texas statute by the link below.
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