Landlord is Violent Can I Break the Lease

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New Member
I currently rent a room in a 3 bedroom house. The owner of the house has one room and his ex has another room. I have only been living there 3 months but it has been a nightmare. They are constantly fighting. He has been very violent with her and I have tried to stay out of their business. I have never called the police out of fear for my own safety. I am not a violent or aggresive person and if he were ever to come after me I know I would not be able to defend myself. He was supposed to move out but never did. The fights were supposed to stop but never did. I was trying to stick it out until he moved out. but this weekend he flipped out on me and started screaming at me. I told him the next day that I could no longer live in that situation and now he is planning on suing me if I move out. I have no choice but to move out. I cannot live there fearing for my own safety everyday. I am scared that i do not have any proof though. What are my rights in this situation?
If you have no proof of the violence your screwed. If you break lease Landlord can sue you for entire lease term left plus court cost and legal fees. You need to start calling Police each time there is a fight. These Police reports will be your proof. Document each time Police are called
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