Landlord negligent... escrow?

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I am in Richmond, VA and I am having some major issues with my landlord company. About 3 weeks ago, it rained heavily and their were leaks throughout the apartment. One bedroom is even inhabitable because of them. We made a written request to have our roof/ceiling repaired. Maintenance then "fixed" the problem. It rained again and the leaks continued. Then there was a tropical storm so the leaks were worse than they had been before. My roommates and I called and emailed maintenance every business day to have the problem resolved and nothing has been done. One of the leasing agents also offered us to break the lease and we could move in with another company. I don't understand why they would rather give up our monthly rent than fix the roof. I believe that in VA, if the problem isn't fixed after 30 days we may go into escrow. I have been trying to research escrow and am not sure as to how it would play out with our landlord. If the month's rent is withheld and given to the court/bank and they do not fix the problems, what happens to the rent money? Can they still take their time to fix the problem knowing they will eventually receive the money? I am not even sure if escrow is the best means of dealing with this company. I believe they have taken advantage of my roommates and me.

Thank you to anyone who has insight into this problem.
Thank You

Thank You very much. That's exactly the document that I was searching for. After reading it, I've concluded that the landlord is in violation because one of the rooms is inhabitable and the water damage could create a mold problem. Do you believe escrow is the best approach to get them to fix the problem still? Or perhaps even threatening to use it?
No, escrow is the way to go and don't use it for another purpose but to pay your rent. Think long term and that is, in the event your lanlord tries to take you to court, you will have proof that you have done what you were supposed to do. Good luck to you!
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