Landlord not letting us out of our lease

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New Member
My husband and I signed a lease in surprise AZ in mid September. It was to be a year lease. However, we noticed that they messed up on the dates. They put the lease for 2 weeks (9/20/10 to 9/30/10). So we are taking it as it is now a month to month lease. We need to move out due to money issues and my mother is ill and getting worse so we need to help her. We sent a 30 day notice by certified mail letting them know that we were going to vacate. They called my husband and said we couldn't move out unless we brake the lease and pay $650 plus our lease payment until they find a new renter. Are we in a year lease or can we get out of it without paying all that money? Should we fight and get a lawyer?
They screwed up.
If things are as you pose, you had a 10 day lease.
If the lease reverted to a month to month tenancy and requires only a 30 day notice, you're golden.
Read the exact notice requirement.
It may read 30 days before the next lease payment.
Read the exact terms and give notice accordingly.
Do it by certified letter and regular mail.
You can also do it by personal service (get a signature).
Make sure you do it correctly and enclose a copy of the relevant portion of the lease with your notice.
Keep copies and return receipts.
Do it right and you'll only owe the last month's rent!
Army Judge is right, but that does not mean that they won't hold on to your deposit and try to sue you.
It will be up to you whether you want to simply cut your losses or sue the landlord over the deposit if it is not returned to you, but it sounds like you can clear out of there so long as you give proper notice.
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