landlord over 2-3 times a day

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New Member
my lndlord lives next door to me. when I moved in, he was over every day, and each time it was to discuss things he didn't like. These were trival things, like not smoking near the pool, not leaving float devices in the pool,
not leaving the garage door open. This went on for about month before we finally convinced him we were responsible people.
Now, it is 10 months later, and this behavior has started again. We did agree that he could come in the back yard whenever he needed to to work on the swimming pool---but---we have a pool service, and he is still over 2-3 times a day. Then i get 1-2 text messages from him a day. please dont leave pop can sitting on the table, please empty the trash (1/3 full) every day. he stops my nephews 2 times a week with requests, don't cut through the front yard (which is desert landscape) cuz you might trip over a wire and sue me. stupid stuff every day. He has 4 other properties, and he does not do this to his other tenants as far as I know, but i will ask one of them to make sure. my sister's name is also on the lease, and her son is staying there for the summer (she is staying at her boyfriend's), and the landlord is aware of this.
i need to stop this harrassment, but m afrid that he will try to make me move before my lease is up, using my nephew as grounds (he has no other grounds) I want to send him a letter telling him how his constant barage makes me feel, but am afraid of retaliation. What should i know, and document, for my protection, before I send this.
my lndlord lives next door to me. when I moved in, he was over every day, and each time it was to discuss things he didn't like. These were trival things, like not smoking near the pool, not leaving float devices in the pool,
not leaving the garage door open. This went on for about month before we finally convinced him we were responsible people.
Now, it is 10 months later, and this behavior has started again. We did agree that he could come in the back yard whenever he needed to to work on the swimming pool---but---we have a pool service, and he is still over 2-3 times a day. Then i get 1-2 text messages from him a day. please dont leave pop can sitting on the table, please empty the trash (1/3 full) every day. he stops my nephews 2 times a week with requests, don't cut through the front yard (which is desert landscape) cuz you might trip over a wire and sue me. stupid stuff every day. He has 4 other properties, and he does not do this to his other tenants as far as I know, but i will ask one of them to make sure. my sister's name is also on the lease, and her son is staying there for the summer (she is staying at her boyfriend's), and the landlord is aware of this.
i need to stop this harrassment, but m afrid that he will try to make me move before my lease is up, using my nephew as grounds (he has no other grounds) I want to send him a letter telling him how his constant barage makes me feel, but am afraid of retaliation. What should i know, and document, for my protection, before I send this.

This is sick behavior.
It could border on an obsession with you, or some type of sexual perversion on his part.
Either way, it might be better to move.

You can stop it, by getting a protective order against him.
Or, you can take him to court and sue him for his constant visits.

No one wants to live like this.
If I were you, I'd start looking for a new place now!
Then, I'd avoid him, unless you wish to pursue legal action.
Then, you should speak with a lawyer or take him to small claims court and try to break your lease.
It's a REALLY bad idea to live next door to your landlord.

I did that once as a graduate student and my landlady drove me nuts.

It sounds as if your lease will be up soon. Start looking for another place.

In the meantime, you could request that your landlord follow the requirement of providing you with a 24 hour notice for non-emergency contact but it sounds as if he considers every contact with you to be an "emergency" situation.

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