Landlord pay elec. bill when a/c broke

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I recently moved into a 2 bedroom apartment. The temperature here has been 90's-110 degrees. I have been here 2 months. My first electric bill was about $300. My a/c was not cool so the apartment was stayin 80-85 degrees. I contacted the manager and after 3 days she finally sent someone out. He could not find the problem. Then I just received my new electric bill for this month. and this month the bill is $311.34. I had to get on a pay agreement last month because I couldn't afford it and now I have to pay $350.36 by Aug. 20th. My apartment is cool for the moment because it has been in the 80's and very low 90's. but I have talked with a few of the neighbors around here and they all are having the same problems and 1 lady had almost a $500 bill for 1 month. The problem is the manager and owner is lazy and cheap. The a/c units are years past their life span and are not effeciant enough to cool, they run 24hours a day and still do not cool properly. Another lady had to go buy window units. Can I make my landlord pay my electric bill until they fix it completly? By the way they say we have to pay a water bill here. Included in your rent is , Trash and cable. We are responsible for electric and water. But the manager said the water company sends them 1 bill for the entire complex and she gives me a hand written note each mo. for $35. even. Which is the highest water bill I have ever paid. She doesn't let us get in in our name and does not show us a water bill from the city. It is not in my lease that I have to pay her for the water, so can I refuse to pay unless I see the bill. I don't think it's fair that I pay $35 for my family of 4 while couples are living here with 5 children so they make a family of 7 and they pay the same. I really think she is pocketing the money. And also my kitchen, and bathroom leakes and my toilet when we flush. We told her and she still hasn't came out. PLEASE HELP!
If Kansas is like Georgia (and most of the country) we're in the middle of a serious and unusual (even for the south) heat wave. Last month was the hottest June on record and it's looking like July will be the same.

Most folks don't realize that central air conditioning units aren't made to run in 100 - 110 degree weather. They are built with the assumption that there will only be 100 degree weather a few days out of the year. No unit is made to sufficiently cool during long periods of extremely hot weather.

Checking whether a unit is working properly is a fairly simple process. One checks to see if it switches on, if there is enough refrigerant available to cool and the temperature of the air coming out of the unit.

Make certain you (or management) are changing the filters regularly. You might consider purchasing some small window units to cool, say, a bedroom at night so you don't have to try to cool the entire unit when you're in one room. The big box stores (i.e., Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart, Target) have these 5000 BTU units flying off the shelves around here now.

And no, management is not required to pay your electric bill.

As Gail said, the weather has an effect on cooling a place. The ac cannot do anymore than what they are built for. The LL cannot blow cool air from his mouth either. The temp here is in the 100..major heat wave. My house is also at 86 degrees. And my unit is 10 years old. Even you stated the temp are now in the 80's and house is cool. HELLO....
A electric bill of $300 is not bad. Some families here are over $ thankful

The problem doesn't fall in the LL lap. We are not Gods. We cannot make the heat go away. And no you cannot make LL pay your electric bill. Do you think I can make my mortgage company pay my electric bill? I think not.
Maybe I can get the neighbor to pay it, who knows?:D

If you have complaints that need to be addressed than send a certified letter to LL on those complaints.
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