Landlord Privacy Issue

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New Member
I have signed a lease over two years ago and it hasn't been renewed either in writing or verbally. My wife and I both live in a house and the "house" next to our house is where our Landlord runs his business. He keeps all his construction equipment, trucks, etc there. There is also a small apartment above his business that wasn't being leased when we moved it. We were told by the Real Estate agent that he comes there in the morning to pick up his truck & he drops them off at night.

With that said the Landlord is there 6-7 days a week starting as early as 5:30am. He leaves notes in/or my car and my front door, on the window when he wants something done (If he feels something is messy or I am taking to long to mow the lawn, etc). He will come on to the properly to blow his leaves from the other property across mine. He also has parked his trucks in the drive away using my drive to store trucks during the day (I had to park else where on those days). He has come on my property to make emergency electrical repairs because it turns out my water pump/Hot water heater works both houses (Going against my electric bill). The man has his employees and friends there on the weekend as well working on trucks, cleaning cars, and just handing out some times. He also keeps his personal Motorcycle there and works on it and "blows it out" all year long (At least 1 or 2 twice a month in the winter). In the Spring and summer it's worst. Until this year he was also storing his boat there. One last thing is after our first lease ended he did leave a note on my truck to park on one side of the driveway (so that tenant in other building can park in the driveway).

My wife and I recently just had our first baby and we are planning on moving after the holidays (Probably Feb). Our landlord hasn't threatened eviction or anything, but it seems like our privacy has been violated. Is there anything I should be doing legally or should i just move out and be thankful it wasn't worse? I felt like I was hostage in my own house. He was always outside and I felt like I had no privacy for the last two years.

I appreciate any advice.
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