Landlord problems In Texas

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Okay, the other day i slipped in the tub where the paint is peeling off and when i fell i hit the tile wall and dented the sheet-rock behind the tile. Six tiles fell out of the wall and the faucet wont close to turn the shower on all the way. So, i go and fill out a work order to request repair. The next day the maintenance man comes to inspect the damage well i show him and he said he would have to talk to his boss and see what to do but it seemed like he was on my side. But before he could leave the landlords husband and his boss comes in to inspect also. Well he comes out of the bathroom and says that that is my fault and that showers are always slippery. I ask him what to do now and he said that they can repair it for around 100 dollars or i have 2 weeks to repair it myself. Am i in the wrong for thinking that trough no fault of my own i fell and feel that it should be repaired at no cost to me because the paint is coming off of the bathtub and what should i do?
Your thinking isn't quite right here. You can either make the repair on your own and have some control over the cost or you can pay what the landlord bills you. If you refuse to pay then you can expect the deduction to show up in your deposit whenever you decide to move, though the landlord could also sue you over the cost of repair. Your argument of a slippery tub won't hold water... sorry... couldn't help myself.
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