Landlord refuses to turn on ac in summer, smoker problems.

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New Member
Hi I rent a room in a house in Maryland the Landlord his girlfriend and another guy live here lots of problems here. The main ones are my landlords girlfriend is a chain smoker to the point were when i come into the house it's hard to breathe, and I have started to have breathing issues because of it, and it is now summer my Landlord does not turn on the ac in the house my room gets up to 92 degrees on the hot days. In fact it gets so hot that they sleep in the sunroom were the use the window ac unit. Is there anything that I can do about this?
You live in the house. Can't you turn the air conditioner on yourself?

Have you discussed having the air conditioner on when the temperature reaches a certain level? Have you discussed having your landlord purchase you a room window air conditioner; even the smaller ones do a very good job of cooling a bedroom. They're only about $100 at places like Walmart.

There are laws that compel the landlord to keep the heated to a certain level, but I do not believe there is a requirement for cooling.
If A/C was part of the deal when you began paying rent then perhaps you have a legitimate point to make, otherwise, do what you can to cool your room off. Perhaps there is some sort of small evaporative cooler you could purchase for your room? I don't know how good they work, but there are some available for around $100.
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