Landlord releaseed personal information of building tennants.

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My building just got a new landlord and she sent a letter to every tennant in the building telling us she wants us to be friends and say hello. Along with this letter was another piece of paper that listed the apartment numbers, the full names of everyone living in each apartment (including underage children) and where everybody works. She never asked a single person if it was okay before she did this and I feel like my privacy has been violated. Is this legal?
It's possible your state could have a statute to address something like this, but it doesn't seem to be anything illegal.
You could certainly let the landlord know you are unhappy about it and ask that it not be done again.
Without any kind of damages as a result of this there really would be no action for you to take anyway.
If other tenants are also upset then the landlord might get the hint if enough complain.

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