Landlord rented to a felon - who threatened me

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New Member
My landlord recently rented to a convicted felon, who has been arrested (2x) within the first 3 weeks of his arrival; (once for threatening me with a pipe). Althoug the landlord has <today> began eviction on the felon, it has become absolutely unbearable to live in the same two family house with this psychotic individual. The police don't even come to the house for noise complaints and "non" emergency calls; (they too are tired of his attitude). The question is I don't think I can stay here until the eviction process is completed; (which can be lenghthy), as my 12 year old son and wife are fearful of his actions. Can I get sued for "lost rent, if I leave the apartment until he is evicted? HELP!
Yes, there's always a possibility. Quite honestly, one can pretty much be sued for anything.

However, you would have an excellent argument to present to the court that you feared for the safety of your family and were forced to move and could not wait until the eviction actually went through the court system.

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