Landlord responsibilities/ Partial rent paid!

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Ive lived in a rental duplex in Texas for 5 years....multiple plumbing repairs have been needed during that time....some repairs Ive made and some landlord has done....major leak caused my water bill to sky rocket....told landlord numerous times to fix...which she ignored...then finally paid plumber to come out and fix....but she wont help pay my water bill...Im a foster care provider and have two adult men living vehicle stopped running and I had to sell....then buy another rent is due....I have 550.00 dollars to pay and told her I needed to pay a partial pymt...she then proceeded to tell me that late fees would incur until full pymt....but I will not be able to pay full rent again until 1st of December.....I have no copy of a lease that was up in August...she never made another lease for me to sign... I want to move from this place as it is delipadated and more leaks/plumbing issues which I tell her about and she tells me she will fix but never follows through...What should I do at this point? Can she kick us all out? Thanks for your time! K
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OP, be advised, you're more than likely in breach of your lease because you're using a single family rental as business, to care for adult males incapable of living alone. She can't kick you out legally, but she can use what you're doing as legal grounds for terminating your lease, or seeking an eviction in your local JP Court.
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