Landlord ripping us off...

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We just moved out of a house that used to be a frat house. The walls had been painted odd colors before we moved in. The property management company was aware of it and said that they would not charge us for paint or carpet because they know it's trashed already. We got a move-in checklist that was pre-stamped by the management company and we listed the paint and carpet condition as painted odd colors and noted that the carpet was old and torn in some spots.

Well we moved out recently and they are keeping $2200 listed as "graffiti repair" and carpet cleaning. On top of that, they are saying we owe $820 because one person didn't pay his nov rent and three of them didn't pay for the extra 5 days we were there in Dec. (We moved out dec 5th.)

What do we do? I've been told we can sue but we don't want the charges to hurt our credit in the meantime. The property management company waited until the 30th day to mail us our charge notice which should have been a refund check. I am getting calls from the same 800 number on a daily basis.
Get your paperwork in order and write a detailed letter to the management company explaining the problem and demanding your money back.
If they do not respond then take your problem to small claims and let a judge sort it out. from what you say here it seems they at least owe you $2200. More information is needed to determine if anything is owed for past due or unpaid rent.
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