Landlord stalking?

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New Member
We have just recently moved to Colorado and are renting a home from a landlord that lives out of town. He has been back about every two weeks and just does whatever he wants around the house, looking in the windows and so on. He has never told us or gave us any kind of notice that he was coming onto the property. Here is the really issue at hand: There is an apartment above the garage and an older women rents it. I was just informed that she will be gone over labor day weekend and the landlord and his family will be staying there over the whole weekend. Is this normal?

There is lawn work that we do and we also share a two car garage with the other tenant. So where are the boundaries while the landlord stays over the weekend? Isn't this invading our peaceful possession law?

Thanks for the help!
If the landlord has the permission of
His tenant to use her apartment, I see no problem.

I suggest you stay out if this.
In fact, this might be a good opportunity for you and your family to take a weekend vacation.
Why not go away this weekend or stay in a local hotel.

In the long run, you're better off moving. Sure, you don't have to move, but why live like this? You could fight this, but you'll lose more than you gain. Sometimes it isn't worth it to be right and prove a useless point. Peace, privacy, and serenity are worth far more than that!
Labor day weekend

This is the part that I did not mention, My parents and my husbands father are coming out that weekend to stay with us and see our new place. I just feel like we will be made to feel uncomfortable in a place that we pay plenty for, with the landlord milling around while we are trying to enjoy our weekend. We would move but we cannot get out of the lease.
ejolmstead said:
This is the part that I did not mention, My parents and my husbands father are coming out that weekend to stay with us and see our new place. I just feel like we will be made to feel uncomfortable in a place that we pay plenty for, with the landlord milling around while we are trying to enjoy our weekend. We would move but we cannot get out of the lease.

The world is full if people I hate, but avoid. You can stay inside when your folks come. Or, just ignore and avoid the landlord and his brood. Your home us your home. You don't have to let him inside.

So, enjoy your family. Have fun. Don't worry about what the landlord and his clan do, do your thing. Out of sight, out of mind.
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