I currently live in a complex where the teanant below has anger management issues and is documented to be emotionally unstable. He also has fire arms in his possession. As a result I feel very unsafe living above him. We have had serveral arguments and is disrupting my peace and quiet. I have already file a complaint against him and a police report. I also notified the landlord and they have taken no action to address this issue. The landlord themselve have acknowledge that he is unstable and a disturbance. As a result I want to leave and break my lease for fear of my safety, because again he is documented to be unsafe and unstable. I fear that he will snap one day and cause me harm so as a result I want to break my lease. Is there anyway I will be able to break my lease and not be peanalized for it? Do I have a case to be let out of my lease early as a result of my peace and quiet being disrupted?